Potency and Potential

An emerging network of artists and activists originally initiated by Dr Anni Raw (University of Leeds) as part of a ‘Connected Communities’ AHRC research project, investigating the question: 'How do artists and activists foster spaces that can catalyse change/action, when working creatively with groups? And what are the qualities of such spaces?'.  

From this initial network a group of activists and artists (collectively ‘artivistas’) have begun to work together collaboratively, transatlantically, as a collective. We are beginning to foster joint projects involving exchanges of creative skills, culture, social and political perspectives, language, tradition, ritual and art.

The network includes musicians, dancers, performance artists, clowns, fine artists, academics, and social and political activists and as such provides a rich base of knowledge and skills. Members are focused in Sao Paulo (Brazil) and across the UK with some members in Mexico.