
During my AVCE (sixth form) and the first year of my degree I did a lot of printmaking that mainly focused on learning the technical skills of different techniques before spending time on developing a personal practice with the media. My printmaking practice at this point was based around monoprints and monotypes and did not really progress beyond that year as I became more focused on painting.

Fast-forward a decade and in 2019 I met an inspirational printmaker named Elisabeth Kirschbaum through the Lacuna Festivals. I had not done any serious printmaking for over ten years but Elisabeth generously welcomed me into her studio. She started re-teaching me the things I had forgotten and introduced me to exciting, experimental printmaking techniques including kitchen lithography and tetrapak intaglio.

Now printmaking is an integral part of my creative process. It helps me to think, plan, explore, experiment and communicate in ways I had not realised before. Below are some examples of my reinvigorated printmaking practice. To see more, please visit my Instagram page @SarahJaneMasonArtist