Posted by Sarah Mason on Tuesday, January 3, 2012,
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So a New Year and a new start for projects and workshops with Sarah Jane Mason! What has this year got in store so far then?
Coming up quick is Dance Plus an exciting multi-disciplinary project co-ordinated by Space 2 and based at Allerton Primary School. Expect to see stage sets, props and podiums in this Olympic themed extravaganza!
Hot on it's heels is the REALISE programme, especially designed for 16-19 year olds who are NEET (not in education, employment or training.) This Creative Arts ... Continue reading ...
Posted by Sarah Mason on Friday, August 5, 2011,
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Out and About
This summer has been a triumph of the Summer Workshop and I have been all over the Leeds area delivering a wide range of workshops with various providers including extended services (with schools) and Space 2.
Workshops have been wide ranging and have included activities such as making robots out of rubbish, designing your own skateboard and creating personal caricatures. Participants have ranged from ages 5 to 13 and have come form all areas of Leeds including Seacroft & Gipton, Roundhay, Bee... Continue reading ...
Posted by Sarah Mason on Friday, July 8, 2011,
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I have just updated my website which, for all you participants out there is exciting news! If you have participated in a workshop, project or event over the last few weeks you should now be able to find images and information about this somewhere on my website!
For community projects, click on the community and youth projects tab and scroll down 'till you see your project.
For school workshops, click on the school workshop tab and scroll down 'till you see your project.