Hi there,
Ok so first up, massive apologies for the lack of actual blogging that has happened on my blog page. It has been a rubbish effort and I accept that I should have done muchos better on this front and I promise to be tres, tres, tres better in future. I hope all is forgiven!
Secondly, and more importantly, a fresh start for you and me!!!! So, as you may have noticed, my website has had a bit of an overhaul and there is now loads of cool stuff for you to get your teeth into. This huge change has coincided with the transition from student to professional artist, as I'm sure you can gather! As such, there are now lots of different services and packages available as well as the traditional art portfolio, which you can still find under the 'Art' tab.
Please bear in mind that the completion of the website is noted as the 10th Spetember and as such, currently not all of the pages in this website are complete. So if there is missing information that you need in the meantime, please get in touch via the contact page.
Lastly, due to my rubbish blogging I have missed out on telling you all about my recent exhibitions and projects. I have had two exhibitions, a group exhibition at Grassington Festival and a solo show at Projeto Gallery. To see piccies of these events go to the 'Art' tab and click on 'Exhibitions.' On the project front, I have worked with South Craven Youth Club to revamp a shelter in the local park and with young offenders in Bradford on anti-gun crime stencil graffiti. In addition, I am now working with Rossendale Brorough Council on the Feast Your Eyes project basedt at the Halo site near Haslingdon. For more information and piccies of these projects please go to the 'Projects' tab and click on the appropriate photograph!
Right I think that is all for now, I will be back with you asap. Take care.
PS. I've found the font colour button and I love it!!!
In : Updates